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GET INTO RADIO: Pure Nostalgia and Exciting News

A blog site with information on how to get into radio, and what to do once you're there!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Pure Nostalgia and Exciting News


I don't know about you, but I have found that one thing listeners LOVE is feeling good.

And generally (not always), people love to hear what they grew up with....

So as a suggestion, if you have a local celebrity who lives locally, and it fits with your demographic- get him on the show...

This morning we had Zammo Maguire from Grange Hill - Lee Macdonald on the show. Great fun- I love interesting radio where people sound like they're having fun.

I had another good idea as well. Would you like some jingles from Zammo "Hi, this is Zammo...and I always listen to...".

We can arrange a good fee to give you the best value.

Come to think of it, if you would like me or any of my colleagues to make some stuff for you..., have a look here....

If you're interested, then drop me a line at

I'm excited about our Get Into Radio website, it should be live in about a week. It will be a buzzing interactive site with a forum where you - wherever you are in the industry, and you can network and share ideas with each other.

There will be stuff to buy that will help you.

There will be direct e-mail contact with me.

There will be tips and tricks from people in the trade.

...and an anorak corner!

I will let you know when it's ready.

All the best


PS Wanna hear the bit on air with Zammo?


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