Vintage nostalgia

Sometimes it's fun to cast your mind back and remember.....
Today sees the funeral of Molly Catford. Without her, Radio Jackie would not exist as it does today. In the early days of RJ, when we were still pirates, she was the one that mothered, encouraged and supported the spotty teenagers that were trying to run Radio Jackie (illegally)!
But heck it was fun. I wish I had been there..
Her husband Jack didn't want anything to do with the "naughty pirate boys", so to protect him from annoyance, Molly would cut the articles out of the paper about Radio Jackie. He would go to read it and it would be full of holes!
Have a listen to this
It's a clip from a spoof song, I spy for the DTI!
3 years ago when Radio Jackie was relaunched Molly sat in the studio watching a long, long held dream, finally come true.
Believe in the power of your dreams. If it can happen to a sweet white haired old lady.. it can certainly happen to you.
Bless you Molly. We will miss you.
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