Tribute to Alan Freeman

As some of you may know, I used to work for Capital FM in London, in the mid- 90's.
When I was there, doing my demo (which is the hardest thing any Dj will ever do, Alan Freeman walked in the studio. Here was a man who I spent my childhood listening to- I loved his style.
What I didn't realise until then was that unlike many presenters, he didn't put a voice on, it was his real voice.
"Hi Alan"
"How are you"
"F******* awful, but at my age that's all you can expect. Alright"
"Got any advice for a newboy"
"The day you stop learning is the day you should give up!"
Wise words.
I can honestly say, he was one of the nicest man I have ever met in the industry. Very loved, and will be missed.
And thank you for the advice, and for years of great radio Alan.
Not 'arf
You can hear a bit of Alan here